
标题: 奥运名人现代冲浪运动之父杜克•卡哈纳莫库 [打印本页]

作者: 钟玉龙    时间: 2013-8-3 11:19
标题: 奥运名人现代冲浪运动之父杜克•卡哈纳莫库
——奥运名人现代冲浪运动之父(80年代自然片制,杜克•卡哈纳莫库出生地火努鲁鲁2012.12.8首日文字戳 )

杜克·卡哈纳莫库.JPG (76.71 KB, 下载次数: 94)


作者: 钟玉龙    时间: 2013-8-3 11:21
杜克•卡哈那莫库来自美国的夏威夷,他在1912年的瑞典斯德哥尔摩第一次参加奥运会。在100米自由泳比赛中,他在资格赛中就平了当时的世界 纪录。决赛中,他的领先优势非常明显,过了半程后,他甚至有时间回头望望其他对手的情况。尽管停顿了一会儿,但他仍然以两米的优势赢得金牌.
另外,他还参 加4×200米自由泳接力比赛,为美国队赢得了一块银牌。1916年的奥运会由于世界大战中断,1920年奥运会重新举行,卡哈那莫库成为卫冕冠军。 100米自由泳比赛的半决赛中,他平了自己保持的世界纪录,随后在决赛中打破了这项纪录。因为有争议,决赛被判定重赛,卡哈那莫库对此毫不在意,他在重赛 中又赢得了胜利。在4x200米自由泳接力比赛中,他为自己增添了第三块奥运金牌。
1924年巴黎奥运会上,卡哈那莫库在100米自由泳比赛中获得银牌, 他的弟弟获得铜牌。1920年,他还代表美国队参加水球比赛。退役来,卡哈那莫库开始自己的演员生涯,并曾经在28部好莱坞影片中出演小角色,此外,他还 作为主要示范者和教练员向全世界推广冲浪运动
Swimmer Duke Kahanamoku of Hawaii made his first Olympic appearance in 1912. Competing in the 100m freestyle, he equalled the world record in a qualifying heat. In the final, he was so far ahead that at the halfway point that he was able to look back and survey the field.
Despite this pause, he won by two metres. He also earned a silver medal as a member of the U.S. freestyle team. The 1916 Olympics were cancelled because of war, but when the Games resumed in 1920, Kahanamoku was there to defend his title.
He matched his own world record in the semifinals and then broke it in the final. Because of a dispute, the final was ordered to be reswum. Undaunted, Kahanamoku won again. He added a third career gold medal in the 4x200m freestyle relay. Kahanamoku returned to the Olympics in 1924 and finished second to Johnny Weissmuller in the 100m freestyle.
Duke's brother, Sam, placed third in the same race. In 1920 Duke also represented the United States in water polo. Kahanamoku later acted in minor parts in 28 Hollywood films and played a major role in introducing the sport of surfing around the world.
作者: 钟玉龙    时间: 2013-8-3 11:22

卡哈纳莫库照片.jpg (29.62 KB, 下载次数: 83)


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