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追寻RONALD 极限片中 荷兰名胜古迹 与 艺术杰作 的足迹 (in the footsteps of .....)

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-25 01:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-26 00:13 编辑

《圣玛丽海滩上的渔船》(荷蘭語: Vissersboten op het strand van Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。


Can you see why these fishermen's boats appear slightly unreal? Compared to the irregular surface of the sandy beach, they've been painted in an overly two-dimensional way. The boats are made up of areas of uniform colour within strong outlines. Furthermore, the boats don't cast shadows on the beach. These stylistic elements were familiar to Van Gogh from his collection of Japanese prints.  Van Gogh would have preferred to make this painting on the beach, but he couldn't, because the fishermen put out to sea very early every morning. He did draw the boats there, however, and later made this painting at home. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-25 00:50 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-25 00:54 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆。

這幅1889 年 梵高的 《包紮耳朵自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret met verbonden oor, F527)  通常展于倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries (外借梵高博物館直到9月)。

1887年11月,梵高與剛到巴黎的高更結識。18 8 8年2月,在繪製了200多幅有關巴黎的作品後,梵高厭倦了巴黎的生活,離開了巴黎,前往法国南部的阿尔勒(法语:Arles 、或译亚尔、阿尔)旅居,有可能是打算將這裡當成藝術家园地。高更於1888年10月23日去了阿尔勒拜访梵高,11月搬到黃房子裏。但是二人的關係卻逐漸惡化,梵高景仰高更,希望高更能平等地看待他,但高更生性自大,二人因而多次吵架。這最終導致梵高在12月23日割掉了自己的左耳。割耳事件的具體經過已經無法考證,高更在十五年後回憶起梵高時也只是語焉不詳地說那天晚上充滿了肢體暴力。梵高挥刀割掉自己的左耳(一部分或者全部,不同來源說法不一)。他自己包扎了一下傷口,把割下来的耳朵打包送给了他和高更都认识的一个当地妓女。第二天梵高被警察送往医院,实习医生菲力克斯·雷(Félix Rey)帮他重新处理了伤口,但并未把耳朵縫回去。

Van Gogh moved from Paris to Arles in hopes of creating a community for artists to exist in mutual supportiveness and encouragement. He invited Paul Gauguin, an artist whom he had befriended in Paris, to come stay with him. They proved to be a disagreeable pair and quarreled often, sometimes violently. The evening of December 23, 1888 during one of their arguments, Van Gogh had a seizure during which he threatened Gauguin with a razor, but then injured himself, severing part of his left ear. In a state of excitement, he then brought the dismembered lobe to the Maison de Tolérance bordello where he presented it to a prostitute named Rachel. When Gauguin returned the following morning he discovered that the police had arrived at the house, and blood was splattered in every room. Van Gogh had severed an artery in his neck, and was in grave health after losing so much blood. He was removed to the hospital, and he confessed to having no recollection of what happened during this fit. Throughout his life, Van Gogh continued to suffer from similar fits, sometimes characterized by acute paranoia.

In this self-portrait, Van Gogh is shown wearing a blue cap with black fur and a green overcoat, with a bandage covering his ear and extending under his chin. He is in a traditional three-quarter view, and his forward gaze falls slightly to the right, out of the frame. Behind him is an open window, assumedly letting in a winter breeze, a canvas on an easel, with a few indistinguishable marks, as well as a Japanese woodblock print. This woodblock print has been identified as a Geishas in a Landscape published by Sato Tokyo in the 1870s. This shows an important influence of Japonism and wood block print on Van Gogh's work, which also appear in the background of other portraits he had created. The painting is composed of impasto strokes, mostly in a vertical pattern. This creates a texture, which comes up off the canvas and adds dimension to the flat surface. The skin tone is muted with green and yellowish tones. The bandage covering Van Gogh's ear in this painting alludes to his most famous conflict. Van Gogh used a mirror for his self-portraits which is why some mistakenly think that he lost part of his right ear instead of his left. (en.wikipedia.org/Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-24 00:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-25 00:43 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17 幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887~1888年 梵高的 《畫家的自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret als schilder, F522) 展于梵高博物馆。

Van Gogh presented himself in this self-portrait as a painter, holding a palette and paintbrushes behind his easel. He showed that he was a modern artist by using a new painting style, with bright, almost unblended colours. The palette contains the complementary colour pairs red/green, yellow/purple and blue/orange – precisely the colours Van Gogh used for this painting. He laid these pairs down side by side to intensify one another: the blue of his smock, for instance, and the orange-red of his beard.  

Self-Portrait as a Painter was the last work Van Gogh produced in Paris; the city had exhausted him both mentally and physically. He told his sister Wil how he had portrayed himself: ‘wrinkles in forehead and around the mouth, stiffly wooden, a very red beard, quite unkempt and sad’. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-24 00:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-24 03:47 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17 幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887年 梵高的 《带灰色毡帽的自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret met grijze vilthoed, F344) 通常展于梵高博物馆(外借德國博物館直到2月)。

Van Gogh painted this self-portrait in the winter of 1887–88, when he had been in Paris for almost two years. It is clear from the work that he had studied the technique of the Pointillists and applied it in his own, original way. He placed the short stripes of paint in different directions. Where they follow the outline of his head, they form a kind of halo.  

The painting is also one of Van Gogh’s boldest colour experiments in Paris. He placed complementary colours alongside one another using long brushstrokes: blue and orange in the background, and red and green in the beard and eyes. The colours intensify one another. The red pigment has faded, so the purple strokes are now blue, which means the contrast with the yellow is less powerful. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-24 00:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-24 00:25 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷兰语:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:Van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17 幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887年 梵高的 《叼烟斗带草帽自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret met pijp en strohoed, F524) 展于梵高博物馆。

Van Gogh painted many self-portraits, more than 20 in Paris alone. In each one he looks different. He saw these self-portraits as a way of practising the art of portraiture. So he experimented with facial expressions, colours and forms.

This sketchy self-portrait is an example of the amazingly rapid progress Van Gogh made in Paris. The summery palette and loose brushwork betray the influence of the Impressionists. The smock, hat and background consist of large, outlined areas of colour. The face and beard are built up in more detail using different tones.  Van Gogh was practising painting portraits. Because models were expensive, he bought a good mirror and used himself as his subject. He later wrote to his brother Theo: 'because if I can manage to paint the coloration of my own head, which is not without presenting some difficulty, I'll surely be able to paint the heads of the other fellows and women as well.'. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-23 00:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-23 08:17 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有18 幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887年 梵高的 《带草帽的自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret met Strohoed, F469) 展于梵高博物馆。

Van Gogh painted many self-portraits, more than 20 in Paris alone. In each one he looks different. He saw these self-portraits as a way of practising the art of portraiture. So he experimented with facial expressions, colours and forms.

Wearing light summer clothes, the artist examines us with one blue and one green eye. For this self-portrait, Van Gogh used an inexpensive alternative to canvas: cardboard. He then applied a layer of priming with dashes of purple. But the pigment in that purple paint has largely faded over time. A few strokes of pink are still faintly visible in his shoulder. The original colours, carefully composed by Van Gogh, have therefore been lost. For instance, the purple background once contrasted with his yellow straw hat. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-23 00:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-4-19 02:24 编辑

2015年荷兰邮政发行了60枚梵高邮票,其中有五枚自画像邮票。 最重要的是 《带草帽的自画像》,因为邮戳具有相同的图像。 因此,这一枚片票戳三图一致极限明信片赢得了2015年世界最佳极限片评选第一名。这一枚将永远纪念我们心爱的荷兰极限家。Lector, si monumentum requiris, circumspice.   

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-23 00:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-23 00:32 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷兰语:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:Van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17 幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887年 梵高的 《自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret, F296) 展于梵高博物馆。

Van Gogh painted many self-portraits, more than 20 in Paris alone. In each one he looks different. He saw these self-portraits as a way of practising the art of portraiture. So he experimented with facial expressions, colours and forms.

'People say – and I'm quite willing to believe it – that it's difficult to know oneself – but it's not easy to paint oneself either,' Van Gogh once wrote to his brother Theo. He presents himself in this self-portrait as a respectable bourgeois, wearing an elegant suit and felt hat.  

The small painting is done in shades of pastel grey-blue. This was an unusual palette for Van Gogh, who even changed the colour of his eyes to match it. In reality they were green, yet they are shown in this painting as grey-blue. The bright red beard stands out strongly against all the grey tones. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-22 00:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-22 00:47 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887年 梵高的 《自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret, F77v) 展于梵高博物馆。

During his time in Paris (1886-1888), Van Gogh painted more than 20 self-portraits. He probably had very little money for models. That led him to take himself as an object of study. Here he portrays himself as an artist in his blue smock-frock. This was what he wore when painting.  Van Gogh painted this on the back of a Study for ‘The Potato Eaters’, which he had made earlier in Nuenen (NL). By doing that, he avoided the costs not only of a model but also of expensive canvas. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-21 06:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-24 02:44 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1887年 梵高的 《自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret, F356) 展于梵高博物馆。

Around the world, people recognise this man with a red beard and an earnest look in his eyes. Vincent van Gogh painted about 35 self-portraits in total, most of them in Paris. For him, this was a way of practising portrait painting. His intention was not to portray himself as realistically as possible. He used the Neo-Impressionist style here, with short, rough brushstrokes. These alternate with longer strokes, such as the orange in his beard.  The background was originally purple (a mix of red and blue), but the red pigment has discoloured and has become almost completely transparent. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-19 00:45 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-22 00:47 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17 幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1886年 梵高的 《畫家的自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret als schilder, F181) 展于梵高博物馆。

Van Gogh painted many self-portraits, more than 20 in Paris alone. In each one he looks different. He saw these self-portraits as a way of practising the art of portraiture. So he experimented with facial expressions, colours and forms.

This is one of the earliest self-portraits painted by Van Gogh – and the first in which he portrayed himself as an artist. He stands at his field easel, holding his palette. After more than five years of practice in the Netherlands and Antwerp (BE), he was eager to make his name as a painter in Paris.  The rectangular palette is covered with splotches of paint; each one is a pure, unmixed colour. At the top is a small jar of turpentine for thinning the paint. There are two holes in the palette: in one we see Van Gogh's thumb and in the other two brushes. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-19 00:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-22 00:48 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。35幅梵高自画像其中有十七幅藏于梵高博物馆,加上梵高博物馆借了倫敦 Courtauld Institute Galleries 的 1889年梵高包紮耳朵自画像 Self-portrait with Bandaged Ear, Easel and Japanese Print (F527) ,一共有17幅梵高自画像展于梵高博物馆。

這幅1886年 梵高的 《叼着烟斗自画像》(荷蘭語:zelfportret met pijp, F180) 展于梵高博物馆。

Van Gogh painted many self-portraits, more than 20 in Paris alone. In each one he looks different. He saw these self-portraits as a way of practising the art of portraiture. So he experimented with facial expressions, colours and forms.

In Paris, Van Gogh had discovered the work of Adolphe Monticelli (1824-1886). He admired this older French painter for his rich colour palette and thick application of paint. In this self-portrait he tried out Monticelli's approach to colour and light effects. The pale tones of his face stand out starkly against the warm, dark red background. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-19 00:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-19 00:41 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

今年十月,我们游览了荷兰,比利时。  我们去第二个城市是阿姆斯特丹。我们住的酒店 (Hotel Fita) 位于梵高博物馆(荷蘭語:van Gogh Museum) 步行距离只有2分钟。该馆藏梵高作品数量是世界上最多的。

這幅1886年 梵高的 《两幅自画像和几个细节》(荷蘭語:studies voor een zelfportret, F1378r) 沒有被展出。这幅素描画和大部分纸质作品一样,它只会偶尔被展出。

On this sheet of paper, Van Gogh drew two complete self-portraits, plus a few details in the upper right. The upper left corner of the sheet is missing. A few pencil lines are visible under the missing section – probably part of a beard. So this seems likely to have been another small self-portrait.  In these drawings, Van Gogh used a great deal of hatchwork to show the shape of his face. He also used fine lines to render shadows, like those around and between his eyes. These may have been sketches for a painting; he drew himself several times from the same angle. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-18 09:00 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-18 09:10 编辑

文森·威廉·梵高(荷蘭語:Vincent Willem van Gogh) 一生中,创作了約35幅自画像。梵高很可能是通过看镜子中的像画自己的,即画像中的右脸实际是他的左脸。(zh.wikipedia.org/梵高自画像列表)

這幅1887年梵高自画像(荷蘭語:zelfportret, F295) 是唯一的一幅自画像展于阿姆斯特丹国家博物馆。

Vincent moved to Paris in 1886, after hearing from his brother Theo about the new, colourful style of French painting. Wasting no time, he tried it out in several self-portraits. He did this mostly to avoid having to pay for a model. Using rhythmic brushstrokes in striking colours, he portrayed himself here as a fashionably dressed Parisian. (Rijksmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-16 09:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-16 09:42 编辑

雅各布·伊萨克松·范勒伊斯达尔(Jacob Isaakszoon van Ruisdael [或拼作Ruysdael],约1628年-1682年3月14日)是著名的荷兰风景画家。(zh.wikipedia.org/雅各布·伊萨克松·范勒伊斯达尔)


The windmill rises up majestically, defying the dark rain clouds and overshadowing the castle and the church of Wijk bij Duurstede. The River Lek flows in the foreground. This painting is world famous, and rightly so. In this impressive composition, Ruisdael united all the typical Dutch elements – the low-lying land, the water and the expansive sky – manipulating them to converge on the equally characteristic Dutch watermill. (Rijksmuseum.nl)

The Windmill of Wijk bij Duurstede (c. 1670) is an oil on canvas painting by the Dutch painter Jacob van Ruisdael. It is an example of Dutch Golden Age paintingand is now in the collection of the Amsterdam Museum, on loan to the Rijksmuseum.
The painting shows Wijk bij Duurstede, a riverside town about 20 kilometers from Utrecht, with a dominating cylindrical windmill, harmonised by the lines of river bank and sails, and the contrasts between light and shadow working together with the intensified concentration of mass and space.  The attention to detail is remarkable. Art historian Seymour Slive reports that both from an aeronautical engineering and a hydrological viewpoint the finest levels of details are correct, in the windmill's sails and the river's waves respectively. (en.wikipedia.org/Windmill at Wijk bij Duurstede)

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