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150 年前,1874 年 4 月 15 日,第一届印象派展览在巴黎开幕。“渴望独立”的莫奈、雷诺阿、德加、莫里索、毕沙罗、西斯莱和塞尚最终决定摆脱规则,在官方渠道之外举办自己的展览:印象派诞生了。为了庆祝这个150周年纪念日,奥赛博物馆将展出约 130 件作品,并以全新的视角看待这个被视为先锋派诞生的重要日期。本展览将于 7 月 14 日结束。
第一届印象派展览是由匿名艺术家协会举办的艺术展览,该协会是一群十九世纪艺术家,他们被官方巴黎沙龙拒绝,并寻求自己的场地来展示他们的作品。展览于 1874 年 4 月在卡普西纳大道 35 号举行,这是著名摄影师纳达尔的工作室。艺术评论家路易斯·勒鲁瓦在 1874 年 4 月 25 日的《Le Charivari》杂志上发表了一篇题为“印象派展览”的讽刺评论,该展览被称为“印象派展览”。勒鲁瓦的文章是印象派一词的起源。(en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Impressionist_Exhibition)
3 月 22 日,法国邮政发行了邮票小册子“印象派 150 年作品集”,其中有 12 幅印象派画作,但并非所有这些画作都在 1874 年的第一届印象派展览中展出。
克劳德·莫奈的《印象,太阳升起》(1872 年)在 1874 年和 2024 年展出,但未包含在邮票小册子中。
克劳德·莫奈在位于 Grand-Quai 41~45 号的 Amirauté 酒店的一个房间里,画了黎明时分的勒阿弗尔外港。两年后的 1874 年 4 月 15 日,这幅画在摄影师纳达尔以前的工作室展出,引起了轩然大波。最激烈的批评者路易斯·勒鲁瓦嘲笑这幅海景画,认为其素描风格藐视学院派绘画的规则。在 4 月 25 日的文章中,这位记者直言不讳:“我敢肯定,这是一种印象。我心想,这给我留下了深刻的印象,所以这其中一定有印象……。”路易斯·勒鲁瓦更广泛地抨击了他讽刺地称之为“印象派展览”的展览,他没有想到半个世纪后,这一运动——他偶然树立了它的声誉——会引起如此国际性的热情! (fondation-monet.com/en/actualites/impression-sunrise-the-saga-of-a-legendary-painting/)
150 years ago, on April 15, 1874, the first impressionist exhibition opened in Paris. “Hungry for independence”, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Morisot, Pissarro, Sisley and Cézanne finally decided to free themselves from the rules by holding their own exhibition, outside official channels: impressionism was born. To celebrate this anniversary, Musée d’Orsay is presenting some 130 works and bringing a fresh eye to bear on this key date, regarded as the day that launched the avant-gardes. This exhibition will end on July 14.
The First Impressionist Exhibition was an art exhibition held by the Société anonyme des artistes peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs, etc., a group of nineteenth-century artists who had been rejected by the official Paris Salon and pursued their own venue to exhibit their artworks. The exhibition was held in April 1874 at 35 Boulevard des Capucines, the studio of the famous photographer Nadar. The exhibition became known as the "Impressionist Exhibition" following a satirical review by the art critic Louis Leroy in the 25 April 1874 edition of Le Charivari entitled "The Exhibition of the Impressionists". Leroy's article was the origin of the term Impressionism. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Impressionist_Exhibition)
On March 22, La Poste issued stamp booklet "Autour des 150 ans de l’impressionnisme" with 12 Impressionist paintings but not all these paintings were exhibited in The First Impressionist Exhibition in 1874.
Impression, soleil levant (1872) by Claude Monet was exhibited in 1874 and 2024 but was not included in stamp booklet.
From a room at the Amirauté Hotel located at 41~45 Grand-Quai, Claude Monet captured Le Havre’s outer harbour in the dawn. Exhibited two years later, on 15 April 1874, in photographer Nadar’s former studio, the painting caused outrage. Its most vociferous critic, Louis Leroy, mocked this seascape with its sketch-like style that flouted the rules of academic painting. In his article dated 25 April, the journalist held nothing back: “An impression, I’m sure. I thought to myself, this has made an impression on me so there must be impressions somewhere in there […].” Louis Leroy lambasted more generally what he ironically christened “the exhibition of impressionists”, little imagining that half a century later the movement – whose reputation he incidentally established – would generate such international enthusiasm! (fondation-monet.com/en/actualites/impression-sunrise-the-saga-of-a-legendary-painting/)