本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-6-29 00:15 编辑
普瓦捷(法語:Poitiers)被誉为“千座教堂之城” 。聖母教堂(法語:église Notre-Dame la Grande) 的西外墙有着12世纪非常漂亮的雕花,拥有世上最古老的描绘着基督受难和升天的彩色玻璃窗同时,教堂有着松冠一样的房顶,内部柱子上残留着彩色的痕迹,仿佛是被穿过窗户的光线涂抹的。整个建筑虽由厚重的墙壁而建,但丝毫没有压迫感。这是一座百看不厌的教堂。(zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/45243156/轻叩祈祷石之城普瓦捷Poitiers的大门)
Adam, Eve and Nebuchadnezzar II: above the door, a panel of high reliefs can be seen: this illustrates passages from the Bible. The selected scenes, taken from both Testaments, tell the Annunciation and the Incarnation of God on earth in the person of Jesus Christ to save humanity. From left to right may be seen the original sin, Nabuchodonosor King of Babylon, the prophets Daniel, Moses, Isaiah and Jeremiah. They are followed by the Annunciation, the Tree of Jesse and King David. This first half of the panel, portraying those who foresee the arrival of a Saviour in the Old Testament, the Annunciation and the ancestors of the Virgin, evokes the relationship which exists between the Old Testament and the New in the Christian Church. (en.wikipedia.org/église Notre-Dame la Grande, Poitiers) |