本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2009-12-20 02:30 编辑
米开朗基罗·梅里西·达·卡拉瓦乔( 意大利語:Michelangelo Merisi detto il Caravaggio) 1571年9月29日 出生於离米兰大约三十公里的 卡拉瓦乔 镇 ,是意大利画家,1593年到1610年间活跃于罗马、那不勒斯、马耳他和西西里。他对巴洛克画派的形成有重要影响。(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 卡拉瓦乔)
意大利語: Riposo durante la fuga in Egitto 英語:Rest on the Flight into Egypt (c. 1597) is a painting by the Italian Baroque master Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, in the Doria Pamphilj Gallery, Rome.
The scene is based not on any incident in the Bible itself, but on a body of tales or legends that had grown up in the early Middle Ages around the Bible story of the Holy Family fleeing into Egypt for refuge on being warned that Herod the Great was seeking to kill the Christ Child. According to the legend, Joseph and Mary stopped on the flight in a grove of trees; the Holy Child ordered the trees to bend down so that Joseph could take fruit from them, and then ordered a spring of water to gush forth from the roots so that his parents could quench their thirst. The basic story took on many extra details during the centuries. Caravaggio shows Mary asleep with the infant Jesus, while Joseph holds a manuscript for an angel who is playing a hymn to Mary on the violin. The ass, a traditional ingredient of the legend and a foretelling of the ass that would one day bear Christ into Jerusalem, watches. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rest_on_the_Flight_into_Egypt_(Caravaggio)
罗马邮展戳因为这画在罗马Galleria Doria Pamphilj (http://www.doriapamphilj.it/ukhome.asp) |