本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2021-6-13 06:31 编辑
2000年法国香槟极限目录是第一本突破性极限出版物。这是雅克·塞纳德(Jacques Thénard)和法国极限协会的贡献。请预订2000年法国香槟极限目录以来最突破性极限出版物。 如果我对您写的突破性极限出版物或新发现一无所知, 对不起。请引用您写的突破性极限出版物或新发现的例子和相关性。
阅读本书会帮助您观察(observe) 极限而不只是看(look at)极限。观察后会帮助您累积数据,有了数据可以帮助您进行分析。 另一方面看只是您注意到某一枚极限您想拥有但不知道如何搜索它和它的相关题目。
本书会介绍约二十三项新发现。 我的合作人在洛阳(2009年) 和 法国(2014年)或 意大利(2017年)展出了與其中三项新发现有关一些前驱品,但没有详细介绍。
作者翻译《Maximaphily Ancestry: a retrospective study of three first parental generation maximum card precursor families》为《极限遗传学:三大家族》。
谷歌翻譯《Maximaphily Ancestry: a retrospective study of three first parental generation maximum card precursor families》为《极限祖先: 回顾性研究的三个第一代父母最大卡前体家族》。
谷歌翻譯《极限遗传学:三大家族》为《Extreme Genetics: three families》。
谷歌翻译不伦不类, 颠三倒四。 因此,我不建议谷歌翻译。
(1) 畢業於清大,北大,台大, 或世界百強大學。Minimum requirement one: Graduated from Top 100 Universities including 清大,北大,台大。
(2) Minimum requirement two: proof of 中文写作经验,例如报纸,杂志或书本。Please submit your Curriculum Vitae (履历)。
(3) 以下2考题将测试您在没有谷歌翻译或类似软件帮助的情况下翻译科学文章的能力。请将以下标题和摘要翻译成大学以下水平的中文。显然,翻译者要做的不仅仅是将英语翻译成中文。 他/她必须为一般读者翻译一篇专业文章。 因为我习惯写专业文章, 我从来没有写过通俗文学。翻译者最好能替我弥合与公众之间的鸿沟。
Here is the test of your ability to translate scientific article without Google or similar software aid. Please translate the following title and abstract into Chinese for pre-college level readers. Apparently the translator has to do more than translate English into Chinese. He/she has to translate a specialty article for general audiences. I am used to write for a very limited interest group. It is not impossible for someone to bridge the gap to the general public, one example is Neil deGrasse Tyson .
Since that moment of convergence, we have come to realize that data analytics of the third precursor family could unearth the hidden mystery of the origin and development of all maximum card precursors. Using scientific approach to study maximaphily is nothing new. Daryl Kibble, has coined the title 《The Science of Maximaphily》 for his 1994 exhibit. In the following section of our article, we have introduced a new approach to identify first and second generation precursors in this third precursor family. The best analogy to this approach is genomic DNA sequence comparisons, alignments, and analytics to study ancestry and speciation. Closely related species have higher DNA sequence similarities overall and have important structural or regulatory DNA sequences, shared among close relatives, remain much more conserved than nonessential sequences. Same could be true for maximum card precursor families, each family has conserved elements passed down from its ancestors, some may be shared between families but others are not (ie unique among family members). As more examples of each precursor family are identified, we will be able to better define each conserved element and may decipher how individual element would contribute to the unique properties of each precursor family as a whole, and how each element is preserved during transition from earlier to later generations.