本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-17 06:46 编辑
英國皇家郵政(Royal Mail)在2月13日推出一系列12枚郵票,皆以达·芬奇作品為主題。
邮票上的画作包括《颅骨截面(The skull sectioned)1489年》。其中一個值得留意之處,是畫作中的文字,多以达·芬奇著名的鏡像書寫(Mirror Writing)手法寫出。达·芬奇是一位左撇子,卻慣常從右至左以反方向書寫文字。(HK.thevalue.com)
我找不到《颅骨截面》明信片。《颅骨截面》极限片最佳邮戳是 14809 温莎首日戳因为片票戳三图一致。第二名意大利邮商的朋友前往伦敦购买明信片,但选择了不太一致的《维特鲁威人》邮戳。已经售罄。
LEONARDO DA VINCI The skull sectioned 1489 Traces of black chalk, pen and ink, 19.0 x 13.7 cm (sheet of paper) RCIN 919058 from www.rct.uk/collection/919058/rec ... he-skull-sectioned.
The drawing on the verso of this sheet shows the skull sawn first down the middle, then across the front of the right side. With the two halves juxtaposed, the viewer can locate the facial cavities in relation to the surface features – the frontal sinus within the brow, the orbit of the eye, the nasal cavity, the maxillary sinus in the cheek, and the mouth. Leonardo believed all except the frontal sinus to be a third of the depth of the skull, each terminating below the senso comune. In the left margin Leonardo drew, described and enumerated the different types of teeth, molar, premolar, canine and incisor.
Leonardo’s most brilliant and sustained scientific pursuit was his study of human anatomy. He made hundreds of drawings from corpses that he had dissected in monastery hospitals, recording many anatomical structures for the first time in medical history.
Text adapted from Leonardo da Vinci: A life in drawing, London, 2018 |