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达-芬奇 (Leonardo da Vinci) 逝世(1519年5月2日)500周年 纪念

 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-2 05:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-5-2 12:47 编辑

1519年达·芬奇 病逝,葬於昂布瓦斯城堡的圣·于贝尔小教堂(Chapel of Saint-Hubert)。(zh.wikipedia.org/列奥纳多·达·芬奇)
圣·于贝尔小教堂 位于箭头(第一枚) 或被邮票盖上(第三枚)。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-3 12:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-5-30 05:31 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-12 00:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-15 23:41 编辑

意大利郵政在5月2日发行了一枚 达·芬奇《三博士来朝》 郵票。

三博士来朝(Adorazione dei Magi)是意大利画家达芬奇的油画,创作于1481年,画面显示《圣经》中东方三博士朝拜耶稣基督的故事。自1670年起,该画藏于意大利佛罗伦萨的乌菲兹美术馆。但是最近的研究显示,这幅画作并非达芬奇作品的原貌,而是在达芬奇草图的基础上,由另一个不知名的画家完成的。(zh.m.wikipedia.org/三博士来朝 (达芬奇)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-14 00:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-15 23:53 编辑

第一。 找不到眼睛素描明信片。
第二。 两枚明信片表面光滑。 不利于邮戳保存。
第三。 每枚邮票要寄到不同的邮局以盖邮戳。 意大利邮费是世界上最高之一,是法国的两倍。 每封信邮费4,80欧元(不包括挂号费)。 从意大利邮商购买意大利邮票和明信片不得不多付邮费。

从好的方面来说,意大利邮政提供了大量的好邮戳。 在2019年,我自制了五枚不同。 意大利邮票可制三图一致极限明信片是100%。  法国是 33% (今年比往年不如)。西班牙也是33%。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-15 03:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-15 06:52 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-16 00:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-16 21:31 编辑

英國皇家郵政(Royal Mail)在2月13日推出一系列12枚郵票,皆以达·芬奇作品為主題。

邮票上的画作包括《光线照在脸上(The fall of light on a face)1488年》。其中一個值得留意之處,是畫作中的文字,多以达·芬奇著名的鏡像書寫(Mirror Writing)手法寫出。达·芬奇是一位左撇子,卻慣常從右至左以反方向書寫文字。(HK.thevalue.com)


其他可用的邮戳是14814 温莎首日戳 (达·芬奇鏡像書寫)。
其他可用的邮戳是14813 伦敦首日戳 (像光线的透视线)。

The fall of light on a face c.1488
Pen and ink | 20.3 x 14.3 cm (sheet of paper) | RCIN 912604

A drawing of the head of a man, turned in profile to the left, intended to demonstrate how rays of light from a single point would fall upon his face. Also a diagram and many notes on the action of light.

Leonardo’s own paintings are notable for their elaborate treatment of shadows (chiaroscuro), and here he sets out the geometrical principles of light and shade. This page from a dismantled notebook explains that where the light falls perpendicularly on the object, it will be most strongly illuminated; where it falls most obliquely, the object will be least strongly lit; and where no light is received it will be completely dark.

During the 1480s Leonardo became increasingly interested in the scientific basis of painting – that a painting was not merely a picture, but an objective rendering of the observable universe. Building on his earlier knowledge of perspective, he started to study proportion and geometry, the theory of light, and the principles of anatomy, and hatched a plan to compile a treatise on painting.

Text adapted from Leonardo da Vinci: A life in drawing, London, 2018

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-17 00:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-17 06:46 编辑

英國皇家郵政(Royal Mail)在2月13日推出一系列12枚郵票,皆以达·芬奇作品為主題。

邮票上的画作包括《颅骨截面(The skull sectioned)1489年》。其中一個值得留意之處,是畫作中的文字,多以达·芬奇著名的鏡像書寫(Mirror Writing)手法寫出。达·芬奇是一位左撇子,卻慣常從右至左以反方向書寫文字。(HK.thevalue.com)

我找不到《颅骨截面》明信片。《颅骨截面》极限片最佳邮戳是 14809 温莎首日戳因为片票戳三图一致。第二名意大利邮商的朋友前往伦敦购买明信片,但选择了不太一致的《维特鲁威人》邮戳。已经售罄。

LEONARDO DA VINCI The skull sectioned 1489  Traces of black chalk, pen and ink, 19.0 x 13.7 cm (sheet of paper) RCIN 919058 from www.rct.uk/collection/919058/rec ... he-skull-sectioned.

The drawing on the verso of this sheet shows the skull sawn first down the middle, then across the front of the right side. With the two halves juxtaposed, the viewer can locate the facial cavities in relation to the surface features – the frontal sinus within the brow, the orbit of the eye, the nasal cavity, the maxillary sinus in the cheek, and the mouth. Leonardo believed all except the frontal sinus to be a third of the depth of the skull, each terminating below the senso comune. In the left margin Leonardo drew, described and enumerated the different types of teeth, molar, premolar, canine and incisor.

Leonardo’s most brilliant and sustained scientific pursuit was his study of human anatomy. He made hundreds of drawings from corpses that he had dissected in monastery hospitals, recording many anatomical structures for the first time in medical history.

Text adapted from Leonardo da Vinci: A life in drawing, London, 2018

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-17 06:44 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-17 06:53 编辑

我找不到《颅骨截面》明信片。《颅骨截面》极限片最佳邮戳是 14809 温莎首日戳因为片票戳三图一致。第二名意大利邮商的朋友前往伦敦购买明信片,但错用不合FIP规则的PHQ(邮票图像)明信片。

PHQ cards are postcards issued by the British Post Office depicting the designs of their commemorative stamps.

The 'PHQ' stands for Postal Headquarters. All items published by the Post Office are given a number which is prefixed by letters. The first card issued, on 16 May 1973, was numbered PHQ1, and the numbering sequence has continued to the present day.

There are three main areas of collecting interest. Many collectors like to collect only the unused cards, but some like to obtain them with first day of issue postmarks. Others like to obtain them with special handstamps that have some connection to the stamp subject matter. Also, stamp collectors will usually put the stamp on the back of the card, but a very popular variation is for the stamp to be applied to the face of the card, so that the postcard picture, stamp and postmark are all visible on the same face. (en.m.wikipedia.org/PHQ card)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-18 00:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-18 00:09 编辑

意大利郵政在5月2日发行了一枚 达·芬奇《眼睛》 郵票。

《眼睛》 (Studi di proporzione del volto e dell’occhio)是达·芬奇繪於1489~1490年的畫作,現藏於意大利都灵的皇家博物馆 - 皇家图书馆。


Studi di proporzione del volto e dell’occhio, 1489-90 Penna e inchiostro su carta。

Torino, Musei Reali – Biblioteca Reale。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-19 00:08 | 只看该作者
《维特鲁威人》是 达·芬奇關於人體比例的作品。

《维特鲁威人》出现在三枚1938年意大利邮票上。我看过 由Luigi Morera教授自制的1939年米兰邮戳极限明信片。由于统计目的,如果您也看过它,请通知我。《维特鲁威人》再次出现在1992年意大利邮票上。我有Carlo Ghiozzi教授自制的1992年威尼斯邮戳极限明信片。大多数的极限明信片因为哥伦布用了热那亚邮戳。

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-19 00:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-19 00:20 编辑



《维特鲁威人》 (意大利語:Uomo vitruviano)是达·芬奇在1490年前後创作的世界著名素描。根据约1500年前维特鲁威在《建筑十书》中的描述,达·芬奇努力绘出了完美比例的人体。这幅由钢笔和墨水绘制的手稿,描绘了一个男人在同一位置上的“十”字型和“火”字型的姿态,并同时被分别嵌入到一个矩形和一个圆形当中。这幅画有时也被称作卡侬比例或男子比例,现藏於意大利威尼斯的学院美术馆中,和大部分纸质作品一样,它只会偶尔被展出。(zh.m.wikipedia.org/维特鲁威人)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-20 00:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-20 23:50 编辑

意大利郵政在5月2日发行了一枚  达·芬奇《音樂家肖像》 郵票。



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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-20 00:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-20 23:49 编辑

《音樂家肖像》 藏于意大利米兰的盎博罗削画廊(Pinacoteca Ambrosiana)。盎博罗削画廊设于盎博罗削图书馆(意大利語:Biblioteca Ambrosiana)内。

This is the only painting on panel by Leonardo to have remained in Milan, this portrait was traditionally thought to depict Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan. In 1905, when restoration work removed the overpainting and uncovered the hand with a musical scroll in the lower part, it was suggested that this was the portrait of a Musician, at times identified as Franchino Gaffurio, chapel Master of the Duomo of Milan and others the Franco Flemish singer and composer Josquin des Prez, both of whom worked in Milan at the time of Leonardo and Ludovico il Moro. Recently it has also been suggested that it is a portrait of Atalante Migliorotti, a Tuscan musician who was a friend of Leonardo and who came with him to the Duke’s court in Milan as a singer and talented lyrist. (www.ambrosiana.it)


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-21 00:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-21 00:03 编辑



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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-21 00:01 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-7-21 00:05 编辑



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