本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-21 16:32 编辑
The Self-portrait in the Rubens House is almost identical to that of The National Portrait Gallery in London, except that Anthony’s moustache in this portrait is turned upwards. Van Dyck shows himself to Charles I in a formal manner. The drooping moustache on the painting in London, however, is much more informal, which seems to suggest that the Antwerp master may have created it for himself. (rubenshuis.be)
安东尼·范·戴克的雕像在安特卫普的梅尔-莱斯特拉特-耶祖大街交叉处。 该雕像由莱昂纳德·德·库珀(1808-1891)制成,并于1856年竖立。不知道将来发行邮票时会不会选择这雕像。
Statue of sir Anthony van Dyck (Antwerp, 1599 – London, 1641) at the Meir-Leysstraat-Jezusstraat crossing in Antwerp. The statue was made by Léonard De Cuyper (1808-1891) and erected in 1856. |