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追寻RONALD 极限片中 荷兰名胜古迹 与 艺术杰作 的足迹 (in the footsteps of .....)

 楼主| 发表于 2020-2-29 01:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-2-29 01:17 编辑

這幅1888年 高更的 《梵高在画向日葵》(荷蘭語:  Vincent van Gogh zonnebloemen schilderend) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。

1888年8月梵高在法國南部阿尔勒繪了第一幅15朵的《向日葵》(藏於英國倫敦英国国家美术馆)和第一幅12朵的《向日葵》(藏於德國慕尼黑新美術館),其餘的作品在翌年1月繪成。(zh.wikipedia.org/向日葵 (梵高)

Was Van Gogh really painting a vase of sunflowers when his friend Gauguin produced this portrait of him? No, he can’t have been: it was December and far too late in the year for sunflowers. But it’s quite probable that Van Gogh painted a copy of one of his own sunflower pictures around this time. The landscape in the background is also fictional: unlike Van Gogh, Gauguin liked to work from his imagination. They often argued about this. This painting refers to their disagreement.   
Later, Van Gogh wrote about this portrait: ‘My face has lit up a lot since, but it was indeed me, extremely tired and charged with electricity as I was then.’ (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-1 00:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-1 03:34 编辑

这两幅 是 梵高的 《花瓶裡的十五朵向日葵》(荷蘭語: Zonnebloemen) 。

一幅是 1888年  的 《花瓶裡的十五朵向日葵》,目前收藏在倫敦的英国国家美术馆內。

一幅是 1889年 的 《花瓶裡的十五朵向日葵》 ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。 你能看出它们之间的区别吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-1 00:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-1 00:31 编辑

这幅 是 1889年 梵高的 《花瓶裡的十五朵向日葵》(荷蘭語: Zonnebloemen) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。

《向日葵》是荷蘭畫家梵高繪畫的一系列靜物油畫。當中有2幅繪有15朵向日葵,與1幅繪有十四朵向日葵,另有兩幅繪有12朵向日葵。1888年8月梵高在法國南部阿尔勒繪畫了第一幅15朵的《向日葵》(藏於英國倫敦英国国家美术馆)和第一幅12朵的《向日葵》(藏於德國慕尼黑新美術館),其餘的作品在翌年1月繪成。全部作品都畫在93 × 72 公分(37" × 28")的帆布上。
梵高在1888年夏末開始工作,並持續到第二年。其中一幅被他的朋友保羅·高更裝飾其臥室。這個系列呈現了向日葵由盛放到凋謝各階段的形象。在用色方面—某程度上應該歸功於新近上市的顏料令新的色調變得可能—黃色系列的表現力得到突破。在給其弟費奧的信中表示:「可以說,向日葵是屬於我的花」。(zh.wikipedia.org/向日葵 (梵高)

Van Gogh’s paintings of Sunflowers are among his most famous. He did them in Arles, in the south of France, in 1888 and 1889. Vincent painted a total of five large canvases with sunflowers in a vase, with three shades of yellow ‘and nothing else’. In this way, he demonstrated that it was possible to create an image with numerous variations of a single colour, without any loss of eloquence.  The sunflower paintings had a special significance for Van Gogh: they communicated ‘gratitude’, he wrote. He hung the first two in the room of his friend, the painter Paul Gauguin, who came to live with him for a while in the Yellow House. Gauguin was impressed by the sunflowers, which he thought were ‘completely Vincent’. Van Gogh had already painted a new version during his friend’s stay and Gauguin later asked for one as a gift, which Vincent was reluctant to give him. He later produced two loose copies, however, one of which is now in the Van Gogh Museum. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-2 01:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-2 01:12 编辑

1888年,梵高在法国南部迎来了他绘画生涯中产量最高的时期。1888年3月当梵高到达阿尔勒时,阿尔勒近郊的花朵即将盛开。鳶尾花的花朵激励着他,在1888年5月,梵高绘制了《阿尔勒的田间鳶尾花》(荷蘭語: Veld met irissen bij Arles) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。

Van Gogh was captivated by the colours of the landscape around the town of Arles (FR). He particularly loved the contrast between the yellow and purple flowers in the fields.  In the landscape, he felt he could see a reflection of the world he knew from his collection of Japanese prints. Japanese artists used large areas of colour in their compositions, often with a sharp diagonal. They also regularly zoomed in on a detail in the foreground. Van Gogh adopted these elements in his paintings. It was just like 'a Japanese dream,' he wrote in a letter to his brother Theo.  
The painting was recently examined and restored. In the process, the old discoloured varnish layer which had dulled the colours was removed. The colours are now much brighter. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-2 01:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-2 03:40 编辑

梵高于1889年5月8日住進了阿尔勒 30公里(19英里)外聖雷米的精神病院。精神病院和周邊景色成爲了這段時期他作品的主題。在短短的一年内 (1889年5月~1990年5月),他繪製了150幅画,其中包括《鳶尾花》(荷蘭語: Irissen) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。

Van Gogh painted this still life in the psychiatric hospital in Saint-Rémy. For him, the painting was mainly a study in colour. He set out to achieve a powerful colour contrast. By placing the purple flowers against a yellow background, he made the decorative forms stand out even more strongly. The irises were originally purple. But as the red pigment has faded, they have turned blue. Van Gogh made two paintings of this bouquet. In the other still life, he contrasted purple and pink with green.  (vangoghmuseum.nl)

我們於2014年前往法國普羅旺斯,參觀了以梵高畫作聞名的兩個城市。 从阿尔勒到圣雷米的精神病院,没有火车。 因此,我们开了租车去那里(当然,普罗旺斯的几个小镇都需要开车,包括加尔水道橋)。在圣雷米的精神病院,可以看到精神病院的花园和梵高的另一个卧室。

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-2 01:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-2 01:19 编辑

梵高于1889年5月8日住進了阿尔勒 30公里(19英里)外聖雷米的精神病院。精神病院和周邊景色成爲了這段時期他作品的主題。在短短的一年内 (1889年5月~1990年5月),他繪製了150幅画,其中包括《杏花开》(荷蘭語: Amandelbloesem) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。



Large blossom branches like this against a blue sky were one of Van Gogh’s favourite subjects. Almond trees flower early in the spring making them a symbol of new life. Van Gogh borrowed the subject, the bold outlines and the positioning of the tree in the picture plane from Japanese printmaking.  

The painting was a gift for his brother Theo and sister-in-law Jo, who had just had a baby son, Vincent Willem. In the letter announcing the new arrival, Theo wrote: ‘As we told you, we’ll name him after you, and I’m making the wish that he may be as determined and as courageous as you.’ Unsurprisingly, it was this work that remained closest to the hearts of the Van Gogh family. Vincent Willem went on to found the Van Gogh Museum. (vangoghmuseum.nl)

我們於2014年前往法國普羅旺斯,參觀了以梵高畫作聞名的兩個城市。 从阿尔勒到圣雷米的精神病院,没有火车。 因此,我们开了租车去那里(当然,普罗旺斯的几个小镇都需要开车,包括加尔水道橋)。在圣雷米的精神病院,可以看到精神病院的果园和梵高的另一个卧室。

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-3 00:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-3-3 02:34 编辑

梵高在1890年5月21日去巴黎北部村庄瓦兹河畔欧韦(或譯奧維爾)接受保羅·加谢(Paul Gachet)医生的医治。加谢是名业余画家,曾为其他一些当代艺术家治病。6月他繪製了幾幅加谢的肖像,如《加谢醫師的畫像》。
在他這人生的最後一年中,他開始眷戀北方的故土,繪製了大約70幅描繪記憶中北方的油畫。此外,他對欧韦的麥田也很感興趣。梵高認爲這些“混亂天空下的麥田”代表著“悲哀與極度的孤獨”。名作《麥田群鴉》完成于這年七月。這幅畫以黑暗的天空和通往不同方向的三條路表達了梵高精神上的困擾,黑色烏鴉預示著死亡。有時這被當做梵高在1890年7月29日自殺前繪製的最後一幅畫。但實際上其創作日期應該是7月10日左右,後來他還繪製了《树根》(荷蘭語: Boomwortels) 等作品。(zh.wikipedia.org/文森特·梵高)

《麥田群鴉》(荷蘭語: Korenveld met kraaien) ,目前收藏在荷蘭的梵高博物館內。

Wheat field with Crows is one of Van Gogh's most famous paintings. It is often claimed that this was his very last work. The menacing sky, the crows and the dead-end path are said to refer to the end of his life approaching. But that is just a persistent myth. In fact, he made several other works after this one.
Van Gogh did want his wheatfields under stormy skies to express 'sadness, extreme loneliness', but at the same time he wanted to show what he considered 'healthy and fortifying about the countryside'.  
Van Gogh used powerful colour combinations in this painting: the blue sky contrasts with the yellow-orange wheat, while the red of the path is intensified by the green bands of grass.(vangoghmuseum.nl)

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-11 14:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-5-11 22:09 编辑

In memorium:  Ronald van der Leeden  1958 - 2020
Met ongeloof kregen wij afgelopen zaterdag het trieste bericht dat onze vriend, ons bestuurslid en maximafilist Ronald van der Leeden plotseling is overleden.
Ronald was een gepassioneerd schrijver / verteller over de maximafilie en over zijn kaarten. Naast verzamelaar wist hij voor onze Nieuwtjesdienst meerdere keren per jaar schitterende series maximumkaarten te vervaardigen, waarmee hij ook internationaal aanzien verwierf. Met enige regelmaat wist hij prijzen én op persoonlijke titel én namens onze vereniging in de wacht te slepen. Zo won hij in 2017 o.a. de prestigieuze “Campionato Europeo di Maximafilia” in Sestri Levante uit Italië.
Zijn perfectionisme was niet alleen terug te vinden in het vervaardigen van zijn maximumkaarten, maar ook bij het tot stand komen van teksten voor ons bulletin en de website. Bovenal zal zijn aparte, droge gevoel voor humor ons altijd met een glimlach bijblijven.
Ronald was vastberaden in zijn promotie en handelingen voor de Maximafilie in Nederland en voor onze vereniging voor Kinderpostzegels en Maximafilie. Zoals Ronald altijd zei: “Kom op, doorgaan!”

Zijn telkens weer bijzondere maximumkaarten, vaak voorzien van mooie picturale stempels (met regelmaat mede door hem ontworpen), zullen wij met liefde koesteren.
Eén van de laatste maximumkaarten die wij van hem ontvingen waren n.a.v. de Kinderpostzegels 2019, waarvan hier enkele voorbeelden.
Ronald is een gerespecteerd bestuurslid van onze vereniging voor kinderpostzegels en maximafilie.
We gaan Ronald verschrikkelijk missen.
Hij was een trotse jonge opa en het wel en wee van zijn gezin stond altijd voorop maar de vereniging had ook een grote plek in zijn leven.
Onze oprechte deelneming met dit enorme verlies gaat uit naar zijn vrouw Astrid, zoon, schoondochter, kleinzoon, naaste familie en vrienden.
Wij zijn in gedachten bij hun en houden Ronald altijd dichtbij ons in ons hart.
Via de site www.kindmax.nl bestaat de mogelijkheid uw medeleven over te brengen aan zijn vrouw en familie.
Bestuur en leden Vereniging van Maximafilie en kinderpostzegel
(www.facebook.com/158928360804933 ... e/2486425161668504/)


In memorium: Ronald van der Leeden 1958 - 2020
Last Saturday we received with disbelief the sad message that our friend, our board member and maximaphilist Ronald van der Leeden has suddenly passed away.
Ronald was a passionate writer / storyteller about maximaphilia and his cards. In addition to being a collector, he managed to produce beautiful series of maximum cards for our Nieuwtjesdienst several times a year, with which he also gained international prestige. With some regularity he managed to win prizes both in a personal capacity and on behalf of our association. For example, in 2017 he won the prestigious “Campionato Europeo di Maximafilia” in Sestri Levante from Italy.
His perfectionism was not only reflected in the production of his maximum cards, but also in the creation of texts for our bulletin and the website. Above all, his distinct, dry sense of humor will always stay with us with a smile.
Ronald was determined in his promotion and actions for the Maximafilie in the Netherlands and for our association for Kinderpostzegels and Maximafilie. As Ronald always said, "Come on, keep going!"
We will cherish his special maximum cards, often with beautiful pictorial stamps (regularly designed by him).
One of the last maximum cards we received from him were in connection with the Children's Stamps 2019, of which here are some examples.
Ronald is a respected board member of our association for children's stamps and maximaphilia.
We are going to miss Ronald terribly.
He was a proud young grandfather and the fortunes of his family always came first, but the association also had a big place in his life.
Our sincere condolences to this huge loss go to his wife Astrid, son, daughter-in-law, grandson, close family and friends.
We are with them in mind and always keep Ronald close to us in our hearts.
Via the site www.kindmax.nl it is possible to convey your condolences to his wife and family.
Board and members of the Association of Maximaphilia and children's stamp

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-11 14:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-5-11 15:07 编辑

本贴子是纪念罗纳德·范·德·里登 (1958年8月27日,海牙 ~2020年4月3日, 海牙) 因为本贴子所有荷兰极限明信片都是他的创作。
罗纳德(Ronald)是一位热爱讲极限故事的作家。除了成为收藏家外,他每年还多次为荷兰儿童邮票和极限协会的 Nieuwtjesdienst制作一系列精美的极限明信片,并因此赢得了国际声誉。他定期地以个人身份和代表协会赢得奖品。例如,2017年,他在意大利的塞斯特里·莱万特(Sestri Levante)赢得了享有盛誉的“ Campionato Europeo di Maximafilia”。

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 楼主| 发表于 2020-5-12 00:06 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2020-5-12 00:14 编辑

谷歌英語翻譯 荷兰极限协会会长 Edward Froon 荷兰語悼文 (kindmax.nl/Kinderpostzegels_Maximafilie_Home.html)。

I am Edward Froon and chairman of the Stamp Association For the Child and Maximafilie where Ronald was also on the board and was the most active board member. There, just like in the family, a big hole has been made and maximaphilia has been struck in his heart.

Stefan called me with the saddest announcement that Ronald had died after returning to the hospital, which he had been in for 10 days. Terrible this message about the most active member of our association.

I had known him for years. Regularly visited The Hague and of course made many calls about current affairs. I'll tell you how he became our most prominent member. When I joined, we often competed in club auctions. First in competition so with each other, but later we found each other unanimous in improving the quality within the association. I was active in the quarterly magazine, the Bulletin of articles on maximaphilia. Climbed up to chair and I persuaded some people to exhibit abroad. We did that in Luxembourg. A friendly small Benelux country with many connections to Germany and France. There we have made many contacts with Foreign Associations. We heard the most from the French about the unwritten rules in the review and we learned a lot from that. We heard from the Germans that we were doing “not good at all”. At a second exhibition two years later in Echternach, we explained together the German chairman why it was good. He had to admit that they were indeed 90% good.

This was followed by an invitation in 2005 to participate in the European Maximaphilia Championships in Corbeille, a small town south of Paris. After work in the flower shop, Ronald came to Paris by TGV, where Vic Henken and I picked up Ronald and Aad Hofmeester for this exhibition. We got enough points to finish in the top 10 as a country. The most beautiful moment came as a surprise on the last day, that the maximum card Ronald had produced of Willem Alexander and Maxima, kissing on the balcony of the Royal Palace on Dam Square, was chosen as the best of the year 2004. The FIP delegates all thought it was a nice romantic card.

The club plowed on and Ronald was already an active member of the Nieuwtjesdienst from the old board meetings. After saying goodbye to the old generation like Henk Salet, Aad Hofmeester and Wim Roffelsen, his victory started with better and better maximum cards. His sense of the right card, color and shape on the stamp was always better than others, thanks to his many years of florist experience in making bouquets. That has then become automatic.
In fact, as the years went by, there was also a switch in the lives of Ronald and Astrid when he suffered from kidney stones for some time. Did they want to continue with the business as the years went by? They have tackled that cleverly. The flower shop was closed and the store rented out. Astrid was able to find a job and later even a permanent position at the UWV and Ronald turned his hobby into his profession. Everyone is gradually familiar with their PhilaRomax webshop.

His best moments in the family atmosphere in recent years were the graduation of Stefan (and Laura of course), the first jobs, their promotions and of course the birth of grandson Milan. In the maximaphilia that was early 2017, when we went to the European Championships Maximaphily in Italy. Exciting to fly to Milan by plane and drive to the Italian Riviera. Ronald did not exhibit with the Netherlands now, but had submitted his latest International collection. Everything about the old royal houses in Europe with maximum cards from 1900 to 1940, usually still sent. This is how maximaphilia was created. The international jury was perplexed, they had never seen this before. The result was exciting, which was announced during a big dinner with all participants and family (especially Italian of course). That then goes from last to 1st place. Things got really exciting for both of us when 3rd place went to an Italian and we were both still in the race. Then I was called for 2nd place and then Ronald as the winner. He had of course earned that for years, but now there was also international recognition at the European Championships. Due to his 1st place and my 2nd place, the Netherlands also became 1st in the country championships. Now, therefore, also international recognition for the Dutch Maximaphilia and the extensive work of Ronald that has been done for this. Extra reward was there on the return night at Schiphol by the presence of Stefan and Laura who inaugurated the Champion. This was shown again in 2016 when the world federation announced that it turned out that it had made the best maximum card in the world for the second time in 2015. With the iconic map of Van Gogh with the straw hat.

On the mourning card we see him laughing while walking with the grandson Milan in the cart. That is a complete family man. You know him in particular. Kees and I who were both allowed from the association are also present, but especially of his beautiful maximum cards that he always managed to make at most issues. That is why we have named him as maker of Heavenly cards on the card near the flower arrangement of the Association that is now with the chest.

The chairman of the Royal Dutch Federation of Philatelic Associations asked me to also express their condolences. You all condolences with this loss. A hole has been made in the family and the circle of acquaintances. His death has hit the Maximafilie in the Netherlands and our association in his heart.

But also a bleeding heart beats and lives on the fun moments in all of our lives.
We will miss his dry humor in The Hague, but not his working attitude, as it is concisely stated on the mourning card: "Come on, continue."
Let's do all that and keep following his good example.

You can view the funeral card by clicking here.
You can leave condolences on the crematorium website via the link:

Code to enter is: f85a9

We will commemorate Ronald in our Bulletin and at the next members meeting on October 25 in De Bilt.

By Edward Froon in kindmax.nl/Kinderpostzegels_Maximafilie_Home.html


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