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亚西西的圣方济各圣殿(意大利语:Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi)

发表于 2013-11-16 01:45 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2013-11-16 02:15 编辑

意大利中部 山城亚西西 (Assisi)是亚西西的方济各的诞生地,他于1208年在此创立方济各会。亚西西的圣方济各圣殿是亚西西的方济各安葬之地和方济各会的母堂。它被列为 世界遗产,也是意大利重要的天主教朝圣地。(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/亚西西的圣方济各圣殿)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-18 02:12 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2013-11-18 02:41 编辑

The legend of Saint Francis, as recorded by Thomas of Celano and Bonaventura, is the subject of a cycle of 28 frescoes in the Upper Churchof the Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi. They were painted between 1297-1300, at the same time as Giotto's Florentine master, Cimabue painted the walls of the transept.
The authorship of "The Legend of St. Francis", tradionally attributed to Giotto di Bondone, has been disputed by many art historians since 1912. The written records for the monastery's accounts during this period were destroyed around 1800. Tradition has given to Giotto, the best-known naturalistic painter of his period, the authorship of these works, or at the least, the credit for having designed them. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wik ... Francesco_at_Assisi)

“我的鳥姊妹,你們受助於天主太多了,所以你們一定要隨時隨地感謝上主。為了他給你們自由在天空飛翔,為了他給你們衣裳……你們不用耕種不用收割上主就餵了你們,給你們河流和泉水止渴,給你們山谷遮蔭,給你們高樹築巢。你們雖不知道如何縫紉或編織,上主就幫你和你後代製好了衣服。因為主如此愛你們,他對你們滿是恩惠。因此,永遠要讚美天主” 。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-18 02:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2013-11-18 02:45 编辑

方济各会(意大利语:Ordine francescano)是天主教托钵修会派别之一,謹守遵行基督耶穌的教訓,將《聖經》真理一字一句地實行出來。其会士着灰色会服,故亦称“灰衣修士”。方济各会創始人為亞西西的方济各。於1209年亞西西的方济各得教宗依诺森三世的批准成立方济各会。方济会效忠教宗,重视学术研究和文化教育事业,反对异端,为傳揚福音而到处游方。初创时,会内不置产业,提倡过清贫生活,有需要時則行乞,故為托鉢派。(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/方济各会)

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giotto conferma della regola francescana.jpg

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-19 17:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2013-11-19 17:18 编辑

1300年代初期, 喬托 (意大利语:Giotto di Bondone) 陸續畫了相當多的宗教壁畫,如亚西西的圣方济各圣殿的上下两座教堂裡的宗教故事壁畫;喬托的宗教壁畫在西方繪畫史上占有極重要的地位,史家以此認為喬托是第一個企圖畫出有透視感和深度空間的畫家。(http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/喬托·迪·邦多納)

亚西西的圣方济各圣殿, 不归意大利管辖, 是归梵蒂冈圣座管辖, 但无治外法权 (不像大使馆一样)。 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Properties_of_the_Holy_See)

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-14 00:02 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2019-5-14 00:26 编辑

圣方济各与薩拉丁的姪子卡米勒苏丹是亚西西的圣方济各圣殿的上堂壁画的圣方济各故事中第二十八幅中的第十一幅。 它可能是乔托在1295和1299之间绘制的,尺寸为230x270厘米。

San Francesco davanti al Sultano (o Prova del fuoco) è l'undicesima delle ventotto scene del ciclo di affreschi delle Storie di san Francesco della Basilica superiore di Assisi, attribuiti a Giotto. Fu dipinta verosimilmente tra il 1295 e il 1299 e misura 230x270 cm. (it.m.wikipedia.org/San Francesco davanti al Sultano)

This is the eleventh of the twenty-eight scenes (twenty-five of which were painted by Giotto) of the Legend of Saint Francis. In order to convert the sultan to the Christian faith, Francis is prepared to undergo a trial by fire. The saint stands in the centre of the picture, points to the fire and turns towards the sultan. The latter appears surprised and annoyed that his own priests are running away. Giotto pictures the anxious priests and the suddenly powerless sultan most vividly. (www.wga.hu/Legend of St Francis: 11. St Francis before the Sultan (Trial by Fire)

乔托·迪·邦多納(Giotto di Bondone,约1267年-1337年1月8日)義大利畫家與建築師,被認定為是義大利文藝復興時期的開創者,被譽爲“歐洲繪畫之父”、"西方繪畫之父"。在英文稱呼就如同中文一樣,只稱他為Giotto,乔托。在圣方济各圣殿的28幅圣方济各的宗教故事壁畫(約為1295年-1299年畫成)在西方繪畫史上占有極重要的地位,史家以此認為乔托是第一個企圖畫出有透視感和深度空間的畫家。在乔托的其他作品當中,也明顯的看出他對於畫作中真實空間的表達相當努力,有些壁畫甚至還搭配了真實教堂內部的透視感來構圖。(zh.m.wikipedia.org/喬托·迪·邦多納)

只找到一枚老明信片. 发行在1997年9月26日之前,在那一天该教堂受到地震严重破坏,部分拱顶坍塌,关闭了2年修复。

Al-Kamil (Arabic: الكامل) (full name: al-Malik al-Kamil Naser ad-Din Abu al-Ma'ali Muhammad) (c. 1177 – 6 March 1238) was a Muslim ruler and the fourth Ayyubid sultan of Egypt. During his tenure as sultan, the Ayyubids defeated the Fifth Crusade. He was known to the Frankish crusaders as Meledin, a name by which he is still referred to in some older western sources. As a result of the Sixth Crusade, he ceded Jerusalem to the Christians and is known to have met with Saint Francis. (en.m.wikipedia.org/al-Kamil)

In the midst of the Crusades, the Sultan of Egypt Malek al-Kamil (nephew of Saladin) declared that anyone who delivered him the head of a Christian would be rewarded with a Byzantine gold piece. Fighting had been fierce and the Sultan wanted to put a definitive end to the conflict. By August 1219 his armies succeeded in defending the stronghold of Damietta, killing about 5,000 crusaders in the process.

Then came St. Francis of Assisi.

St. Francis and Br. Illuminatus boldly went across the battle lines unarmed and were quickly captured by the Sultan’s army and badly beaten. However, the soldiers spared their lives and brought them before the Sultan.

St. Bonaventure described the encounter, writing, “The sultan asked them by whom and why and in what capacity they had been sent, and how they got there; but Francis replied that they had been sent by God, not by men, to show him and his subjects the way of salvation and proclaim the truth of the Gospel message. When the sultan saw his enthusiasm and courage, he listened to him willingly and pressed him to stay with him.” It is said that Francis greeted the Sultan with the greeting, “May the Lord give you peace,” similar to the traditional Muslim greeting of, “Assalam o alaikum” or “Peace be upon you.” This surprised the Sultan who was quickly enraptured by Francis’ holiness.

Francis proceeded to preach the Gospel to the Sultan in such a way that al-Kamil was not offended and did not end Francis’ life immediately for blasphemy. The Sultan could see the love that flowed from Francis and was astonished by his boldness. They spoke together of the spiritual life and reflected on each other’s traditions.

The two friars stayed in the Muslim camp for several days and departed on peaceful terms. Before they left al-Kamil wanted to give Francis lavish gifts, but Francis refused according to his vow of poverty. This too left al-Kamil speechless as he was not aware of a man who refused earthly honors. Francis eventually accepted the single gift of an ivory horn that is currently on display in Assisi.

The encounter changed al-Kamil, who gave safe passage to St. Francis and his companions and began to treat Christian prisoners of war with surprising kindness. The Sultan proceeded to negotiate for peace with the crusaders, asking them to leave Egypt, but the efforts ultimately failed. By 1221 al-Kamil offered peace again, which was refused, and he consequently opened the floodgates of the Nile to further deter them. The crusaders then agreed to an 8-year peace agreement. (aleteia.org/2017/06/28/st-francis-and-the-sultan-an-encounter-of-peace-between-christians-and-muslims/)

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