本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2011-10-25 09:19 编辑
The seller of the above item listed eleven similar Shanghai postcards but only one TCV. The other three with the same postmark date are non-TCV. If these are forgeries then I must admit that the forger is rather clever. There is no basis to assume that the two TCVs were made by the same person.
上述项目的比利时卖主列出了十一张相似的上海明信片,四张同样邮戳日期用四张不同帆船邮票, 但是只有一张帆船TCV。 其他同一邮戳日期的三张是non-TCV。 如果这些是伪造那么我必须承认作伪者是相当聪明的。 至于二张不同邮戳日期和不同卖主的帆船TCV是同一人制作, 与四张同样邮戳日期和卖主不同, 是没有依据的。 |